PME Grande Entreprise Université Haute école Centre de Recherche agréé

Aide guichet


COST, which stands for European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, is a framework for collaboration in the field of R&D, which makes it possible to coordinate national research projects at a European level by taking the form of pre-competition or essential or public interest work.


COST cooperation was launched in 1971 by an interministerial conference that brought together ministers for science and technology from 19 European countries.


This cooperation framework was expanded to several countries, in particular in central and eastern Europe, during the ministerial conference in Vienna on 21 November 1991. Géorgia and Ukraine became respectively the 39th and the 40th COST members in March 2022.


ampoule-34x34.pngAbout the COST Belgian side






Pierre Demoitié

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