PME Grande Entreprise Université Haute école Centre de Recherche agréé

Date de dépôt arrêtée

ERAMIN is an international network of national and/or regional funding agencies that aims to establish Europe-wide coordination for research and innovation programmes pertaining to raw materials, in order to bolster industry, competitiveness and the transition towards a circular economy.


It was created in 2011 for an initial period of four years. ERAMIN2 followed it until 2020. We are currently in the third four-year programme, which brings together Germany, Spain (and Navarre), Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Belgium (Flanders), Bulgaria, Finland, France, Poland, Czechia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Portugal, but also South Africa, Canada (Quebec) and Turkey.


Wallonia decided to join the network in 2018.

The general theme is research and innovation around non-combustible and non-food products in raw materials (metals, construction materials and industrial minerals).



ampoule-34x34.png   Watch the launch webinar of the 2023 call organized on 14/12/2022 (in English)





Pierre Demoitié

081 77 86 85
