Spin-off of Wallonia

In the early 1990s, the Public Service of Wallonia decided to create the FIRST programmes (Training and Drive for Scientific and Technological Research).

These programmes aim to financially support university researchers or universities in their research projects for two or more years, where these projects are likely to result in an impact on the economic and social development of Wallonia.

The goals of the FIRST programme can be summarised in three key points:

  •     increasing the scientific and technological potential of research departments
  •     enhancing this potential within Walloon companies
  •     training future executives in emerging technologies, so that they can disseminate them throughout Walloon companies

Ultimately, the FIRST programmes aim to encourage collaborations between researchers and stakeholders from the economic sector by exchanging knowledge, experiences, equipment and by also becoming aware of various limitations or objectives.

The FIRST Spin-Off (FSO) programme, which was launched in 1998, is part of the FIRST programmes.

Today, FSO has been replaced by Win4SpinOff.

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The following menus include the list of spin-offs financed by SPW Research on a thematic basis.


Les 20 ans du programme First Spin-off (6 mars 2018, Cercle de Wallonie à Namur)

À l'occasion du 20e anniversaire du programme FIRST Spin-off, le SPW Recherche, en collaboration avec le réseau LIEU et le soutien de l'Université de Namur, organisait un colloque spécifique.

Retrouvez ici les principales interventions et la publication relatives à cette manifestation.