en partenariat
This mechanism aims to support any industrial research project conducted with a view to completing a doctoral thesis within a company whose headquarters is located in Wallonia. The doctoral thesis will be completed within a university research department. The completion of a doctoral thesis in collaboration with another university research department (jointly supervised thesis) or with an approved research centre is possible. Win4Doc allows a company (as long as it has headquarters in Wallonia, regardless of its composition and size) to hire a researcher to conduct doctoral research in collaboration with a university research department.
download the Win4Doc flyer (April 2022) and see the Win4Doc 2023-2024 program tutorial
lire les publications de l'Observatoire de la recherche et des carrières scientifiques du FNRS :
- Les titulaires de doctorat vus par les employeurs : leurs atouts et les réserves à leur égard
- Relations entre milieu académique et employeurs : méconnaissance mutuelle et collaborations
- Les conseils des employeurs pour améliorer la plus-value du doctorat
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